~The Scented Linen Cupboard~
For centuries, the old fashioned woman has lovingly tended to her herb gardens, not simply for the delicious flavor they impart or for the healing medicinal properties they possess, but for the delicious fragrance herbs lend to her linen cupboards and clothes closets. In old homes where romance still lingers, the pleasure of setting glorious bouquets of fragrant herbs and scented florals among lovely white linens is still a revered and beloved tradition, and is favored by those who take pride in deliciously feminine touches so redolent of days gone by.
Cinnamon and Cedar Potpourri Blend
2 Cups cedar tips1 Cup rose hips
2 Cups small mixed pine cones
1 Tablespoons sea salt
1 Cup whole cloves
10 drops Bayberry or Vanilla Essential Oil
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and place in a crystal jar or pretty compote!
--The Riches and Treasures of Home