Sweet Dreams In The Making
~A Dream Pillow~
It is a delicious moment, certainly, that of being nestled in bed and feeling that you shall drop gently to sleep.
—Leigh Hunt
Valued for their soothing and tranquil properties, fragrant herbs such as lavender, chamomile and hops have long been regarded for their ability to nurture the senses and to induce a peaceful nights sleep. To add to their fragrant charms, a measure of cinnamon and cloves are used to enhance the herbal aromas, with a touch of lemon verbena added for a fine and refreshing scent.
½ Cup fragrant rose petals
½ Cup dried chamomile
½ Cup sweet hops
1/3 Cup lavender buds
1/3 Cup catnip, lightly crushed
¼ Cup dried peppermint leaves
¼ Cup lemon verbena
3 cinnamon sticks, crushed
2 Tablespoons whole cloves, crushed
2 Tablespoons orris root or sea salt
In a small mixing bowl, combine the ingredients and allow them to “steep” overnight or for several hours. Prepare a small muslin bag, fill with the ingredients and slip inside a decorative pillow. Hang the pillow upon the bedpost to impart its delicate aroma’s and to ensure a restful nights slumber!