The Affection Of A Woman
The home is the woman's kindgom, her state, her world--where she governs by affection, by kindness, by the power of gentleness. There is nothing which so settles the turbulence of a man's nature as his union in life with a high-minded woman. There he finds rest, contentment, and happiness--rest of brain and peace of spirit. He will also often find in her his best counsellor, for her instinctive tact will usually lead him right when his own unaided reason might be apt to go wrong. The true wife is a staff to lean upon in times of trial and difficulty; and she is never wanting in sympathy and solace when distress occurs or fortune frowns. In the time of youth, she is a comfort and an ornamanet of man's life; and she remains a faitful helpmate in maturer years, when life has ceased to be an antipcation and we live in its realities. What a happy man must Edmund Burke have been, when he could say of his home, "Every care vanishes the m oment I enter under my own roof!" And Luther, a man full of human affection, speaking of his wife, said, "I would not exchange my poverty with her for all the riches of Croesus without her!" Of marriage he observed: "The utmost blessing that God can confer on a man is the possession of a good and pious wife, with whom he may live in peace and tranquility--to whom he may confide his whole possessions, eve his life and welfare." And again he said, "To rise betimes, and to marry young, are what no man ever repentts of doing."
--Passage from Happy Homes And The Hearts That Make Them